Monday, June 15, 2009

End of the Year!

Hey Guys!

Wow, I can't believe that our first year as School Psychology Grad Students is OVER. It really flew by, didn't it?
Right now I am so excited for our three month break from class - but at the same time, I'm going to miss seeing you two! It is really amazing how much we have learned this year... going from 'Wait, School Psychologists do WHAT?' to being able to use RtI, CBM, PBS, and WISC-IV all in the same sentence. Talk about a transformation! And of course, we wouldnt have been able to do it without Nancy Scott - Nancy, thank you from the bottom of our hearts - we are really going to miss you next year!

There are a couple school-related things that I'm excited about for this summer, though - being a NASP proposal reviewer is going to be a great experience, and I'm looking forward to my online class on Early Childhood and the Community. That leads right up to the beginning of next semester - which right now seems far away but I'm sure we'll be starting class again before we know it. I'm really looking forward to our classes next year, and especially our Practicum activities! Spending a full day a week in schools is going to give us great experience, and great conversation material for class. I am really looking forward to taking on the active role of a school prychologist - this year we did a few things, but looking back it seems that 80% of it was observation. Not that that's a bad thing - we will definitely need keen observational skills - but i am looking forward to seeing more of the 'typical' (if there is such a thing) school psychologist schedule.

Well, it's past my bedtime, and I have a running schedule to begin in the morning, so I'll say goodnight!

Looking forward to next year!

(Picture: Kate, Laura, Diane)